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From History of Ancient Studies
Revision as of 11:49, 30 July 2017 by Holger Essler (talk | contribs)
HAS History of Ancient Studies
History of Ancient Studies (HAS) The German term “Altertumswissenschaften” ~ ANCIENT STUDIES denotes both archaeological as well as philological studies of ancient cultures, such as: Ancient History, Assyriology, Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology, Classical Philology, Egyptology, Hethitology, Papyriology and many more… This inclusive conceptual framework forms the basis of the HAS-Network.
HAS-Network was established in July 2017 by Holger Essler and Thomas Gertzen. It comprises three major components:
- HAS-MailingList for the exchange of information on publications, research-projects and conferences
- HAS-Bibliography
- HAS-Projects links to webpages and online-archives related to the History of Ancient Studies
A poster presenting some projects at the 49th Ständige Ägyptologenkonferenz in Göttingen (14-16 Juli 2017) may be found here.